Cialis And Vacuum Pump – Which One Is Better For Erectile Dysfunction Treatment?

CATEGORY: Erectile Dysfunction

It is considered than a male has erectile dysfunction (ED) when he cannot have the penis erect before sex. There are many remedies for treating this health issue, including well-known PDE5 inhibitors. Methods can be medicated and non-medicated, and penis pump is one of non-pharmaceutical tools.

What works better – Cialis or vacuum pump? What option should you choose and can you combine these two methods?

Cialis for ED Treatment. Indications

Cialis is one of the most widely used medication among PDE5 inhibitors. It acts similarly to ‘colleagues’ by inhibiting enzyme called PDE5 in penile tissues (it is known that this enzyme oppresses natural erection processes).

The effect of Cialis lasts up to 1.5 days, and this is a pretty unique feature (there is a Brazilian medication which acts up to 12 hours, but it is approved only in Latin America, and anyway Cialis lasts longer). There are two options of taking Cialis: as needed and on a daily basis. If you take it on an everyday basis, try to do that at the same time of a day. By the way, daily option (low doses) might be also applied for benign prostatic hyperplasia treatment.

cialis and vacuum pump

Cialis in high doses has the only indication – erectile dysfunction (which has been confirmed by medical examination). The drug provides its beneficial effect only if a male is stimulated sexually.

Penis Pump and Its Uses

Vacuum erectile device (or simply penis pump) is a plastic thing which creates vacuum. It purpose is to help with achieving erection, it cannot enlarge the penile organ physically (although some patients believe that this is a penis enlargement tool). It works on a temporary basis and cannot provide a permanent effect (increase in length and / or girth).

However, the pump has proven erection-boosting effects. This device has been featured by top-rated medical websites, sometimes doctors advise it to their male patients.

how does penis pump work

Penis pump has the following structure: a cylinder in which a male should put his penis, and a mechanism which pumps air out of the device, creating vacuum. Such conditions stimulate blood circulation and the penis receives more blood for sufficient erection. Once erection is achieved, a male should a special constriction ring which helps to keep the blood inside the penis.

Penis pumps may be used in serious cases of impotence caused mainly by organic factors, such as cardiovascular diseases. Another case when the pump may be beneficial is micropenis, a condition when the penis has insufficient length. Older men may also benefit from it, as pills may not provide the needed effect in them. Sometimes, pumps are used when administration of PDE-5 inhibitors like Cialis and Viagra is not allowed due to medical concerns (such as potentially dangerous interactions with other medications like nitrates). In addition, studies have shown that 10 to 40 per cent of patients may experience no response (or poor response) to the monotherapy with ED tablets, so the pumps may be prescribed to these non-responders as 2nd-line therapy.

According to research, vacuum pumps may work well when combined with oral treatments, including Cialis pills. Patients who use combination therapy usually provide positive testimonials. They say that the treatment helps to improve erection during sex, make orgasms better, and enhance overall satisfaction.

penis pump structure


Of course, ED pills (especially Viagra and Cialis) enjoy much greater popularity than the vacuum devices. However, a relatively small part of patients may get no effect from therapy with PDE5 inhibitors, so they are forced to seek for other methods of treatment. Combination therapy may be a way out for them. However, one should not expect a miraculous effect, the device is not able to provide penis enlargement (this applies to all contraptions and different products, including herbal ones, which are offered on the market).

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